Planalytics is dedicated to providing Predictive Weather-Driven Demand Analytics to companies across various verticals to accurately identify how weather affects their sales. The complimentary white papers below discuss the benefits of using weather analytics, why organizations should include it in strategic planning, and how companies benefit from comprehensive predictive analytics. Learn more below:
White Papers
Climate-Proofing Retail
The NRF and Planalytics explain how a changing climate and increasing weather volatility influence retail sales and provide practical steps individual companies can take to manage the related opportunities and risks.
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5 Myths About the Weather
NRF and Planalytics have identified five common weather myths that affect retailers and how to effectively incorporate weather considerations to make better decisions.
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Weather-Driven Demand Planning
Strategies and tactics for incorporating weather-driven demand into demand planning and improving forecast accuracy.
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Profiting from Predictive Weather-Driven Demand Analytics
With WDD analytics, retailers can quantify the weather’s effects on sales and improve planning, digital marketing, and more.
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Leveraging Demand Analytics to Reach Sustainability Goals
Unlocking profitability while meeting both waste and carbon reduction objectives
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The Quick Replenishment Fix that Boosts Sales & Cuts Waste
Learn how food retailers proactively optimize their inventories and forecast consumer demand.
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